Connecting The Student Body
Bulletin is a mobile app in which students and faculty can be updated on campus events and news as well as promote events to reach people on their campuses.
My Role
UX/UI Designer
User- Researcher
Qualitative Research
How I Started
When I walk around my campus going class to class, I would notice all of the bulletin boards would be jam-packed with flimsy and outdated fliers. I would also notice that no one ever stopped to browse through the fliers.
I took the initiative to figure out if there was a more efficient way for individuals on college campuses to send out and receive information on college events, studies, or extracurriculars based on my own observations.
First Goal
Formulate a problem statement by researching on how students and faculty seek and promote campus events.
Research Process
What Did I Ask?
I needed to identify the key communication issues and frustrations on college campuses, I conducted 20+ user interviews with professors, undergraduate and graduate students from 4 different schools via Zoom to gain insight on what issues affect all groups of people on a college campus when it comes to communication with one another.
The goal of these qualitative questions were to analyze each demographic user-behavior on they seek or promote campus information.
User Personas
The 3 user personas that represent the freshman, the club officer and the research professor to summarize the overlapping issues in trying to receive and send out information to achieve their respective goals. The user journey pinpoints the biggest frustrations the three type of users groups face to accomplish their goals.
Click To Expand
Click To Expand
Click To Expand
What Did I Discover?
- Smaller organizations had a smaller turnout for their events despite extraneous promotion efforts.
- Interviewees do not stop to look at physical flyers and/or posters despite organizations' efforts to post them around campus.
- Study participants turnout are consistently poor despite the partipaction incentives announced before lectures.
- University websites are not properly updated on new organizaitons or campus events.
What Is The Problem?
College campuses do not have one central digital platform that updates daily on campus events and news.
What are my design goals?
- Give smaller organizations an opportunity for a larger turnout when promoting their events.
- Organizations can rely on an updated platform to advertise their events.
- Researchers can search for study participants beyond their departmental lectures.
- Students can discover new organizations that they may have not previously know existed.
Bulletin is university portal mobile application aims to give small organizations a chance to promote their events in an updated platform. As well as researchers can reach individuals beyond their department to find study participants. This will aim to achieve my design goals.
Low-Fidelity Wireframes
Users are able to post their event/study for students and faculty to view.
The main feed allows users to view events and studies in an updated platform.
Users have the opportunity to post their own event and study.
The preview allow users to check what they are going to post
High-Fidelity Wireframes
The main feed are in categories for users to access information based on the type of content they are looking for. This allows organizations and researchers to have their content be found more efficiently.
Users are able to post as the three different categories easily and add in their contact so users are able to contact them easily for inquiries.
Users are able to preview what their post will look like and change anything if they need to.
The Impact
Bulletin allow users to view and post content that individuals on campus can view in an updated platform that is accessed by all one mobile application thus eliminating the frustrations outlined in the user-interviews.
My Learnings
1. Qualitative research is a key component on understanding key problems of the user and target audience
2. Quality over quantity is the key to interview questions to deliver the best user-experience.
3. Users have frustrations but may not always know their fullest needs until asked.